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// Applicant Summary //

User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Nigel Vermouth HYPSM 516 3.60 06/13/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Jaymezyu University of Texas at Austin 513 3.25 06/12/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb #23619 TX 517 3.90 06/10/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Innocuous Not Provided 523 3.70 06/09/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb morgana HYPSM 472 3.30 06/09/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb mynameistoolong Big Ten State School 523 3.75 06/08/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb RandomGuy1234 Not Provided 472 1.00 05/09/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb sundoll The University of Texas at Aus... 503 3.57 N/A
fpo-table-avatar-thumb obobob Not Provided 509 4.00 09/14/2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb BoricuaMD University of Texas at San Ant... 509 3.61 09/03/2012