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MD Applicants

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  • User #5802

  • Application cycles: 2006
  • Demographics: Female, Caucasian
  • Home state: Pennsylvania
  • Brief Profile: -ADHD lab research assistant since last summer, working on my senior thesis in this lab
    -Honors College
    -award for the top 0.5% of junior class
    -volunteer with baseball league for disabled children
    -hospital volunteer for 1 semester
    -Alpha Epsilon Delta
    -ballet and tap dancing classes
    -shadowed Pediatrician, two anesthesiologists, and a radiologist
    -Primary Care Scholars Program at Penn State College of Medicine
    -Biology Tutor
    -same summer job throughout college that requires a lot of leadership and communication skills; was promoted each year
    -Special Olympics volunteer
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2006

    • Undergraduate college: Penn State University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Institution: Minor
    • Area of Study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 128, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.98
    • Science GPA: 3.96

    Summary of Application Experience

    Just got the MCAT scores...I'm thrilled but don't know how I got an N since writing has always been a strong point of mine. Oh well!

    06/29: AMCAS was verified today and I just got an email from VCU saying they've received my AMCAS. Thanks for the comments, I've added Duke and Harvard since you all seem to have so much faith in me :-)
    06/30: email from OSU about their secondary! and more really nice comments from you guys, what a great way to start the day. thank you so much!
    07/10: submitted penn and UVA secondaries...
    07/11: woohoo for pitt! and hopefully i'll be sending out Temple tonight.
    07/13: just submitted Jefferson and OSU; got Maryland today...I'm getting worn out!
    07/19: submitted pitt because i hear they've been offering interviews already
    07/20: interview invites for pitt and OSU already! they don't have my letters of recommendation, so i was pretty surprised
    07/24: still waiting on my pre-med committee to send in my letters of's been 3 weeks since i had my interview with them, so hopefully they'll get the stuff out soon! oh, and YAY PENN STATE!
    07/27: sent in Harvard!
    07/28: i emailed my pre-med committee about my letters of recommendation and found out they had been sent on 7/21. hopefully i'll be seeing some 'complete' notices soon!
    07/31: complete at Maryland, Pitt, and Penn State so far!
    08/01: complete at Jefferson, Penn, and Temple!
    08/02: complete at OSU, UVA, and VCU. i didn't send my money to Wake Forest until yesterday so hopefully i'll be complete there within the next week.
    08/05: i'm bored.
    08/08: still bored. but wake forest's website says they now have all my stuff and will be sending me a 'complete' email. finally SOMETHING has changed in my applications. it's been almost a week with nothing.
    08/11: just got an interview invite to Temple!!
    08/12: UVA interview!
    08/15: Jefferson interview!
    08/18: well things have died down a little bit. i'm hoping to hear some more good news soon! some of you have suggested that i add more schools...i would but finances are getting tight. my parents are being great and paying for the majority of this, but i don't want to make them pay too much and i really don't have any money to do it. i think with 5 interviews set up halfway through august, things are looking good--hopefully i won't need to apply to more schools!
    08/24: Penn State interview invitation!!
    08/25: i called Wake Forest to check on my application since i never received a 'complete' email and they told me i was on the 'top interview' i scheduled an interview over the phone! :-D
    08/28: Drexel's application website changed to say that i had not submitted my application. i resumbitted and finally it looks like everything is ok now. Gr. Now where is Duke?
    08/29: decided i'm not going to submit West Virginia. i don't want to spend $100 on another school that i'm not really passionate about.
    09/06: it's getting really hard to juggle interviews and classes. i had to reschedule wake and temple. bah.
    09/12: apparently i'm not good enough for penn :-( but with bad news came good news...i was looking at my status page for drexel and saw a 'schedule interview' link. i called them to see if that meant that i had received an interview and they said i did! also got a vague update from VCU about the committee being 'very interested' in me. hopefully that means more good news soon!
    09/13: interview invitation to VCU! canceling my temple interview due to lack of time/interest/money.
    09/15: status at UPenn is back to saying that my application is undergoing a series of competitive screenings...i'm confused.
    09/21: interview invitation to University of Maryland!
    09/25: interviews are taking their toll on me. i'm so stressed out and now will have to study for an exam, read an article, answer questions about that article, and finish an ochem lab report while my dad drives me to and from my UVA interview this week. thank you, daddy. no thank you, all of my teachers.
    10/03: 12 days until i will hopefully find out SOMETHING (preferably good news!). these next two weeks are going to go by soooo slowly.
    10/16: accepted to ohio state! i'm gonna be a doctor!
    10/17: accepted at Pitt! soooo excited; i'm not doing anymore interviews.
    10/18: UVA and Jefferson acceptances!
    10/19: accepted to penn state!!! wow my decision is going to be so hard.
    10/23: declining the Jefferson acceptance. it's feels really weird to check that box, but i feel like i just wouldn't be happy in Philadelphia.
    11/04: sent in my acceptance forms to UVA, OSU, Penn State, and Pitt. i'm not really any closer to figuring out where i'm going to go. it's really nice, though, not having to interview anymore! but i'm having a really hard time finding motivation to finish my senior year classes...
    12/19: chose to withdraw from OSU because I don't want to go that far away. i'm almost positive i'll end up at Pitt, but i still want to consider Penn State. i'll be sending a UVA withdraw letter soon.
    04/01: sent in my lease for an apartment in Pittsburgh so i guess it's official! i'll be a member of Pitt's class of 2011 :-)

    Applied, Withdrew

    Duke University
    West Virginia University

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    University of Pennsylvania
    Harvard University

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    Temple University
    Virginia Commonwealth University
    University of Maryland
    Wake Forest University
    Drexel University


    Ohio State University
    University of Pittsburgh
    Jefferson Medical College
    University of Virginia
    Pennsylvania State University

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