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MD Applicants

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  • User #5775

  • Application cycles: 2006
  • Demographics: Female, Caucasian
  • Home state: Manitoba
  • Brief Profile: volunteering: clinics, hospitals, tutoring, mentoring
    awards: a couple of national scholarships out of high school
    employment: bank teller, TAing
    extracurricular activities: piano, french horn, human rights committee, trivia tv/radio show
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2006

    • Undergraduate college: University of Manitoba
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 516
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 128, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.74
    • Science GPA: 0.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    Writing MCAT August 19, 2006.

    PR MockCAT 4911 - 06/03/06:
    PS-6, VR-6, BS-9
    Gotta boost it!

    PR MockCAT 4921 - 06/24/06:
    PS-6 VR-8 BS-8 WS-N
    This is about how I expected the marks to be. Despite English being my first language and one of my better courses, I might as well have just written 'GARBAGE' across the page. I could not think of any examples and wrote what I did in 10 minutes. It was awful.

    PR MockCAT 4931 - 07/08/06:
    PS-7 VR-10 BS-9 WS-O
    Ok, so we appear to be going places, except, it seems, for biology. I just started a course on human physiology, so hopefully I'll stop getting those wrong. Physical sciences is worrying me, though, I guess actually learning all the physics would be helpful...

    AAMC 7 - 07/29/06
    PS-9 VR-10 BS-11
    Wow a thirty. Finally. Although, I was certainly at the mercy of the question types. Verbal is worrying me. When I started studying, I did pretty poorly on abstract/arts passages, now I'm doing quite well on those, but I can't seem to bring up the ones on economics/history. I find the abstract ones involve just getting a 'feel' for the passage, and I guess I've figured out how to do that. I don't know how to improve the other stuff, though. I guess I'll plough away at EK 101. Still have two subjects in physics to learn (waves and optics) and 1.5 in bio (bones and embryology). This week is going to be intense. I'll make sure of that.

    Wrote MCAT - 08/19/06
    Form DJ.
    Suuuuuuck. PS was a killer. Way too much physics, which I haven't even taken. I don't even know if I'll make cut-off (7). :( I guess it's waiting time now...

    Dropped off application - 09/27/06
    I dropped off my application at the University of Manitoba's admissions office today. I decided not to try any other schools without knowing my MCAT scores. Chances are, if I don't get into the U of M, I wouldn't get in anywhere else, and it would wind up being a waste of energy and money. The U of M is where I really want to be. If it doesn't work out this year, I'll rewrite and expand my choices next year. But, wow, it would be so nice if it DID work out this year... I guess I'll have a better idea on October 14th when I get my MCAT scores. I really don't know how I did. STRESS!!!

    MCAT Score! - 10/12/06
    Better than I expected. Especially for PS. I have a chance!! I'm a little disappointed with the writing sample... but I'm happy it wasn't any lower as I was having a lot of trouble dealing with my nerves. It brings my composite score down to a 10.75. I just hope that is competitive this year!

    Interview Invite - 01/11/07
    I expected to make the cutoffs, but I still feel a little relieved to KNOW I did... and now more nervousness! The interview will be in March, and I have to submit an autobiographical sketch before February 5th. I'm really not sure how to do this...any suggestions?

    Interview Scheduled - 02/15/07
    Got an email today. My interview is on March 18th at 8:45am. This is weird. It all feels more real now... I've got a couple of mock interviews scheduled and several books to read to help prepare me. I really hope I don't blow this shot!

    Mock Interview #1 - 02/24/07
    Ok, had my first mock interview today and it went very well... almost too well. I wish that it was my actual interview :) I have a bunch of reading to do this week to prepare. I need to beef up on ethics and health care in Canada particularly.

    Interview - 03/18/07
    Well it's over... for this year anyway. The interview felt OK. I had difficulty with only the one (the very last) question. I guess there's nothing I can do about it now. Hopefully I will hear from the school in May!

    Acceptance! - 05/16/07
    Received my acceptance in the mailbox! Looking back over my profile is such a reminder of how much work and what a ride getting to this point was. I guess I'll complete this profile now.
    Best of luck to those of you applying in the future!


    University of Manitoba

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