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MD Applicants

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  • TheOptimist

  • Application cycles: 07/31/2016
  • Demographics: Male, 41, Hispanic
  • Home state: Florida
  • Last Active: 02/17/2017
  • Brief Profile: A bit nervous about this because I'm foregoing a level of anonymity. I wish I knew if that mattered at all, because I'm a sharing kind of person. I would love to help anyone quell their anxiety or make positive decisions. I'm taking the risk because I've really appreciated the sharing by others.

    MCAT is 514 (PS128, CARS128, B131, P127). I took it once before. I did very mediocre, but I found that to be a major shock and immediately retook it. I received more along what I expected the first time.

    A few tidbits about myself:
    Horrible, horrible GPA affected by a year of college before I dropped out, GPA was ~3.75 after returning, though.
    5 years experience in clinical hospital role (prompted my return to school).
    Multiple years of research. Volunteer, paid and a couple very good (IMO) fellowships. Posters, no pubs.
    Plenty of mentoring/tutoring service.
    Small amount of journalism experience.
    Tons of cool hobbies in my past life (IMO).
    Multiple jobs in different fields with varying level of coolness or responsibility.

    I'm also a reapplicant. I applied last year. I applied much too narrow and much too late. My goal was to flip that script this year, which I've half done. I applied much more comprehensively (and consequently I've also gotten much more excited about the schools I've picked), but I was hampered by a financial issue. I was unable to have everything completed until late September. It was very disappointing to not have been able to submit early. As a note, I put all my secondary app submission dates, but my applications weren't complete until late September/early October (and November for Einstein).

    I was also very fortunate that many schools granted me a fee waiver even though I didn't qualify through AMCAS because they don't allow a candidate to financially decouple themselves from parent finances (even though I'm old and have been financially independent for years). Thank you, fee waiver schools, it really is an incredible help.

    Can you contact me on here? If so, please do. I would love to share stories or tell more of mine!
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 07/31/2016

    • Undergraduate college: Ivy
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 519
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 131, C/P 128, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.27
    • Science GPA: 3.27

    Application Complete

    Dartmouth College
    Yale University
    Duke University
    Harvard University
    Emory University
    University of Central Florida
    University of Colorado
    Florida International University
    Florida Atlantic University
    Loyola University Chicago
    University of Miami

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of Chicago
    University of Rochester
    Case Western Reserve University
    University of Pittsburgh
    Hofstra University
    University of Michigan
    Mayo Medical School
    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    Brown University
    Virginia Tech Carilion
    Wake Forest University
    Virginia Commonwealth University
    Northwestern University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Columbia University

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