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MD Applicants

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  • User #4515

  • Application cycles: 2005
  • Demographics: Female, Caucasian
  • Home state: California
  • Brief Profile: In college:
    DIII Volleyball and Crew all four years
    Did a program called 'Health Fellows': research project and shadowing in a children's hospital for a semester
    Student Athletic Trainer
    After College:
    Internship for environmental conservation in Costa Rica (1 month)
    Research Assistant and TA (paid and unpaid) for neuro courses
    EMT course and certification
    Volunteering at the Emergency Department
    Clinical Assistant, HIV Counselor and Supervisor in Planned Parenthood
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2005

    • Undergraduate college: Trinity College
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Institution: Harvard Extension School
    • Area of Study: Premedical Studies
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 509
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 127, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.49
    • Science GPA: 3.24

    Summary of Application Experience

    I wanted to do this to show that it is possible. I know I have horrible numbers and I checked this website for people like me and was discouraged to find no one who got in to MD programs (no offense to DO). So I am going to list my story and advise. I started off with a horrible first two years in college, had an epiphany and realized school was important (and a had a transcript forever scarred with C's in Orgo AND Biology). I graduated with a lot of extra experiences and a heightened GPA. I went to Costa Rica, came back and did Post-Bacc classes (not the official program) at Harvard Extension School for two years. I took the MCAT in August and got a 9,10,9 (28) and applied LATE (just before deadlines) for 2005. DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!
    Lesson was learned - re-took MCAT while working at the clinic, got a 30 and turned in AMCAS July 2nd (GOOD IDEA).
    1. APPLY BROADLY - there is never a bad school and this is a total gamble so apply everywhere and safely. If you have numbers like me, try and stay away from the schools that love them (e.g. Washington in St. Louis). Why give them your money for them to tell you no? They have a large enough endowment as it is.
    2. APPLY EARLY - you have heard it before. Unless you know you are going to get a 35 on your August MCAT, take that year to research/gain clinical experience and take it in April and turn in your AMCAS June 1st.
    3. DO SECONDARIES IN TWO WEEKS - Is that possible? Yes it is. But I didn't do it (hence what I think was the cause of some of my rejections post-secondary). The schools that are really important to you - write it in and send those back within a week. Those that you don't have your heart in - two weeks is best, a month is ok, past a month you are pushing it.
    4. THE WAITING PERIOD - do yoga, meditate, whatever and DON'T talk to your friends who are applying otherwise you will go crazy (why does that person have an acceptance when I don't even have an interview?!)
    5. THE INTERVIEW - who isn't nervous? Honestly, be yourself. You don't want to to go to a school where you can't be. We aren't perfect and I think your interviewers appreciate a little modesty (but not too much!). Appropriate senses of humor are always nice and emphasize how much you LOVE their school. Find a reason that you could see yourself being there and say why that matters to you most and it is unique to their institution. And if you can, always stay with a student host - they will give you the inside scoop on the school and your interview - you will be so much more prepared that way.
    6. FOLLOW - UP - and you thought you just waited after you sent in your secondary...After your secondary if it has been a while, send a letter of interest (why they are so great, what you have been doing to further your application in the meantime). After your interview, grovel. Well don't do that, but do send tons of thanks you's (one to the student host, one each to the interviewers, and one to the admissions committee). Just think, they all have input into your application and they are essentially working for you so thank them!
    End note: This process sucks. I went through it twice, I should know! I wanted to let you guys know that not going straight from undergrad is ok, getting two scores on the MCAT is ok, and applying twice is ok. You can do it, you can beat the odds! Get fired up and apply and get a support system (parents, partners, friends) that are there for you and don't always ask everytime you get the mail whether there is news. Once you get over this hurdle - start studying cause the Boards are a'comin!


    University of California, Los Angeles

    Application Complete

    University of California, Davis
    Tufts University
    Northwestern University
    Oregon Health & Science University
    New York University
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    Jefferson Medical College
    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    University of Southern California
    Wake Forest University
    University of Chicago
    George Washington University
    Case Western Reserve University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of Connecticut
    Boston University

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Temple University
    Saint Louis University
    Rosalind Franklin University
    Albany Medical College
    Tulane University
    New York Medical College
    Medical College of Wisconsin

    Attended Interview

    University of California, Irvine

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    Pennsylvania State University


    Drexel University
    University of Pittsburgh

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