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MD Applicants

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  • Application cycles: 06/08/2015
  • Demographics: Female, 38, Hispanic
  • Home state: Illinois
  • Last Active: 04/21/2018
  • Brief Profile: A little about me... well I started undergrad thinking I was going to major in Biochemistry, finish my degree in 4 years, and then go be a med student. Only one of those things happened. I'm currently applying to med schools after achieving a truly dismal cGPA (and sGPA), and am hoping against hope that a school will say yes. Maybe someone out there will see this and learn from my mistakes!

    AMCAS Submitted 06/2015. AMCAS Verified 08/09/2015.
    AACOMAS Submitted 08/01/2015. AACOMAS Verified 09/01/2015
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/08/2015

    • Undergraduate college: Urban poli-sci school
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 498
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 123, C/P 122, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 2.00
    • Science GPA: 2.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    Update 4-4-16
    As I expected, I got rejected from all the schools that I applied to. I was hopeful, but it was a moonshot. Next step is to become a boss at whatever Master's I decide to to do, I'm still waiting to hear back from 5 or so, and then reapply next year with more volunteering hours, better activity descriptions, new LORs, and graduate GPA to complement my postbacc one.

    MCAT listed is from my highest scoring attempt on the old MCAT. Most recent (2015) MCAT score was well above average. If I get in, I will update. Science and Overall GPA are also not 2.0 but are not higher than 3.0

    Post Bacc:
    As a somewhat nontraditional applicant (in that I graduated several years ago and am now retaking undergrad classes), I wanted to add this section too. I applied to med schools this year, mostly because I received several letters inviting me to apply to MD schools that are way above my sights (stats-wise). Having applied to those schools (and a couple of others) I am hoping to leverage my URM status, my 4.0 in DIY post-bacc courses, and my much improved MCAT.

    While there is still time (as I write this in late fall 2015) left in this very long process for me to receive an MD or DO II and be on my way to becoming a physician, I'm not banking on miracles, and I've applied to several formal post-bacc programs. All the ones I've applied to are known to have a informal link with a med school or an actual linkage with a med school, and all but one confer master's degrees. I've been accepted to one already (Hallelujah!!), so no matter what happens I will be a doc someday. :)

    Keep in mind that I know quite well that I'm flying in the face of conventional SDN wisdom by applying so precipitously. I really should've waited to apply to med schools until I had finished my remaining retakes and finished the SMP I've been accepted to. But applying to a few schools that invited me to do so isn't going to hurt anything. So what's done is done, and I'm just hoping that an adcom will decide to take a chance on me.

    As a poor, adult working type person, I haven't had much opportunity since finishing undergrad for volunteerism. I've been blessed to hold down both clinical and research positions for several years, and have a couple of community outreach/extracurricular things that I enjoy. Will update once the cycle is over.

    Applied, Rejected

    Morehouse School of Medicine
    Eastern Virginia Medical School
    Tulane University
    Kansas City University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Harvard University
    George Washington University
    Howard University
    Northwestern University
    Ohio State University
    Washington University in St. Louis
    Uniformed Services University
    Oakland University
    Michigan State University (DO)

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