Brief Profile:
1st time applicant. Applying early and broadly. Have extensive research experience with many presentation and publications. Also have good clinical work, volunteering, ect. Writing score is not real (there was no section on my exam). The score above is also a retake. I took the exam for the first time in September of last year and scored a 36 (12, 12, 12).
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 05/31/2015
Undergraduate college: Harvard University
Undergraduate Area of study: Physical Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 524
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 132,
C/P 130,
CARS 132
Overall GPA: 3.95
Science GPA: 4.00
Summary of Application Experience
Feel free to inbox me for any updates/questions/comments!!
Updated 12/17/2016: Currently attending Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Applied, Rejected
University of Nevada
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: Yes
Summary of Experience:
Applied to this school because I love the Reno/Tahoe area. Unfortunately, when completing my primary, I neglected to read the fine print that states that this school only accepts candidates from Nevada and states (excluding California). Got a nice rejection letter stating this information a few weeks later. Kind of annoying and unfair (and a waste of $30) but I guess its all for the best.
Summary of Experience:
Not really that interested in this school especially because it is all the way in Omaha. Not exactly the most exciting place to live for 4 years.
Summary of Experience:
Have decided not to attend interview. Especially after being accepted to my top choice and considering all the crap that went on in St. Louis last year with the "Black Lives Matter" thugs, I don't think I would want to spend 4 years surrounded by this.
Summary of Experience:
Not so interested anymore with serving in the armed forces for 7 years. Even though having my tuition paid for by the government is a tempting offer, I have decided to withdraw my application in favor of one of the other schools I have been accepted to. Still considering applying for the military's health scholarship program though which would still result in them paying my tuition, but only requires a 4 year commitment after training on my part.
Summary of Experience:
Only decided to apply to CA schools to broaden my application in the event the I did not get any interviews close to home. Since that is no longer the case and I really can't take the time to fly across the country right now during the semester, I have decided to withdraw my California apps.
Summary of Experience:
Great school and location. Interview was very comfortable and friendly, Would be very grateful with the opportunity to attend this school.
Summary of Experience:
By far the worst interview I have had this cycle. Interviewers were rude, location is terrible, and living conditions are nauseating. I would honestly rather not go to medical school than attend here. Seriously thinking about withdrawing my app even though I already paid the application fee and took a day off from school to drive 6 hours to Albany for this interview.
Summary of Experience:
Great interview day and campus atmosphere. After attending college at nearby Harvard for the past 3.5 years, I would be thrilled with an acceptance here.
Summary of Experience:
I don't know why, but something really struck me as off about this school. Maybe it's the small class size, but they really do not seem to be as focused on being a medical school as they do a hospital center. It seems like most of their resources are expended towards administering the hospital and not towards running the medical school. This combined with my overall disappointment with the city of Rochester (poor, dirty, isolated), makes it unlikely that I would consider this school even if accepted. possibility I will even consider attending after my dreadful interview experience here.
Summary of Experience:
I really enjoyed this interview. I love the state of Vermont and honestly feel this would be great place to live after my training. Would really appreciate an acceptance here!
Accepted!! Very grateful and will strongly consider attending here.
Summary of Experience:
Liked this school a lot. Especially the faculty who interviewed me and the outstanding location. Would be very happy to attend if offered admission.
Summary of Experience:
One of the smoothest, stress-free interviews so far this cycle. Staff and students were friendly, and the accomodations were excellent. I'm really hoping to get accepted so this school can at least be an option.
Very happy to be accepted here. At the moment this is the school that I am giving preference to. (over the other schools that have accepted me)
Summary of Experience:
Actually did not like this interview at all. Campus is in a really sketchy neighborhood and student accommodations are pretty poor. I don't know I just really expected more from a school with this level of reputation.
Summary of Experience:
Closest medical school to my hometown. Attending school here would even allow me to commute if accepted so I am really keeping my fingers crossed that this interview goes well.
Summary of Experience:
Great interview day! I have nothing bad to say about my future alma mater. I can see why HMS has such a reputation. It is such a shame that I have to wait several months to hear any news!
Summary of Experience:
Great school and outstanding faculty. I feel like I may have messed up on a few interview questions but other than that I would say everything went well. I would be absolutely honored to be offered admission at this infamous institution.
Summary of Experience:
Was honestly quite impressed with this school. I was initially somewhat pessimistic because of this school's location in Brooklyn, as well as it's SUNY affiliation, but I was actually very pleased with the setting and congeniality amongst members of the student body.
kisangani took the old MCAT and scored a 41 which is in the 100th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 524 on the updated scale which is in the 100th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted kisangani’s section scores as follows:
kisangani scored a 15 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
kisangani scored a 13 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 130 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
kisangani scored a 13 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.