Brief Profile:
I want to keep track of my adventure and also share with others who might have similar stats to me. No Writing Score (ignore the T), took the 2014 MCAT MCAT~30-33
SR = Secondary received SS = Secondary sent SC = Secondary complete II = Interview Invite IA = Interview Attended
Status as of 05/5/2016 - Applied to a total of 36 schools. Rejected: 33 schools Silence 1 school II 2 schools (Jefferson & Downstate) --> 1 Acceptance, 1 Alternate waitlist
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/14/2015
Undergraduate college: University of Los Angeles, California
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 472
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 118,
C/P 118,
CARS 118
Overall GPA: 3.65
Science GPA: 3.55
Summary of Application Experience
Applied to 36 schools total. A lot of schools are in metropolitan areas such as NY, CA, Philly, Florida, etc.
Applied, Rejected
University of Washington
Applying for combined PhD/MSTP? No
Submitted: Yes
Secondary Completed: No
Interview Invite: No
Interview Attended: No
Waitlisted: No
Accepted: No
Rejected: Yes
Summary of Experience:
07/27/2015 Pre-secondary Rejection. First Rejection, so I'm not really phased, yet. Plus, this school has a ridiculously low OOS acceptance rate.
Summary of Experience:
**Placeholder for California Northstate University College of Medicine (CNUCOM) SR: 08/17/2015 SS: 08/18/2015 SC: 08/18/2015
After hearing about this school and seeing that it's also in California, I decided to add it to my list as a safety school. It's currently in preliminary accreditation, but should be accredited fully in 4 years. This is a risk, but it's still an M.D. program and a last resort.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 07/15/2015 SS: 07/18/2015 SR: 07/18/2015
Particularly struggled with this secondary because I did not want to say anything wrong, especially since Yale is such a reach school for me. Not trying to waste my money so I had to try my best on that supplemental essay!
R: 3/8/16 - if I need to reapply, I definitely won't apply to Yale again... such wishful thinking lol
Summary of Experience:
SR: 07/17/2015 SS: 07/18/2015 SC: 07/23/2015
2/16: HOLD STATUS - CONTINUED INTEREST! A POSITIVE SIGN - they want me to let them know if I'm still interested in an interview. If I say yes, then I probably have a good chance at getting a II.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 08/11/2015 SS: 08/12/2015 SC: 08/12/2015
Wow was I shocked to receive this one so late today. Actually, shocked that I received this one at all with their screen and my lower stats. But I am so happy they gave me another chance to showcase myself and my story.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 07/09/2015 SS: 07/13/2015 SC: 07/14/2015
II: 3/03/16 Right after I saw my waitlist email from Jefferson I got an II from SUNY Downstate. Omg, THANK YOU!
Interview: Short interview day! Had my interview in the morning followed by a 2-hour gap and then the dean came to answer questions before we were whizzed off for a tour by two medical students and then lunch.
Summary of Experience:
SR: 07/14/2015 SS: 07/14/2015 SC: 07/14/2015
11/18/15 I'M CRYING! I can't believe I finally got an II. This is definitely one of my top choices. Amazing medical school dedicated to service in Philly! Not sure how it can get better.
3/03/16: After SIX WEEKS of waiting (the maximum time possible for they get back to you) after the interview, I was disappointed to have received an email detailing that I was placed on the HPWL. I'm still going to send updates about volunteering/etc. and hopefully get into the school because it's my top choice!
kilez12 took the old MCAT and scored a 3 which is in the 0 percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 472 on the updated scale which is in the -1st percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted kilez12’s section scores as follows:
kilez12 scored a 1 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
kilez12 scored a 1 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
kilez12 scored a 1 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.