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MD Applicants

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  • rukia013

  • Application cycles: 05/31/2015
  • Demographics: Female, 33, East Asian
  • Home state: Illinois
  • Last Active: 07/29/2017
  • Brief Profile:
    **Please note that 'rukia013' is a handle I use ONLY for SDN--any other 'rukia013' users on other social media is NOT me.**

    2015-2016 MD application cycle:

    II: 4 (4 attended) | Acceptances: 1 (WL-->Acceptance from middle 1/3 in mid-May) | Waitlist: 1 | Withdrew: 2 | Rejections: 50

    It's not over until it's over! I would be happy to answer any questions about the cycle or give advice/suggestions. I've also been told that I write nice update letters/letters of interest so feel free to ask me to read/proofread/critique! I will try my best to answer in a timely manner when I'm not drowning in school work/irl business (just shoot me a message on SDN to contact me).

    -MCAT 2014: No writing section
    -GPA compromised due to multiple time-intensive/heavy commitment extracurricular activities (3.9 GPA during senior year when many of these commitments were dropped)

    ✝ Jeremiah 29:11-13 & Philippians 4:6-7 ✝

    Clinical Experience
    -Mental Health Hospital Volunteer (464 hours)
    -Pediatrician Shadowing (60 hours)
    -Anesthesiologist Shadowing (90 hours)

    -Upper Division Physiology Lab Undergraduate Student Instructor (60 hours)
    -Livingwater Fellowship & Church Home Group Leader (85 hours) / Member (420 hours)
    -InterVarsity Cal Christian Fellowship Worship Team Vocalist (120 hours) / Member (240 hours)
    -deviantART Online Group Administrator/Moderator (N/A hours)
    -UC Berkeley Office of Undergraduate Admissions Student Ambassador (30 hours)

    Volunteering Experiences
    -Thailand Anti-Sex-Trafficking Mission Trip (400 hours)
    -InterVarsity Cal Christian Fellowship Homeless Outreach (N/A hours)
    -Children's Hospital in Oakland Thalassemia Outreach Program Volunteer (15 hours)
    -Regeneration Church of Oakland Sunday School Teacher (24 hours)
    -UC Berkeley Undergraduate Student Admissions Blogger (30 hours)

    Extracurricular Activities
    -For Christ's Sake (FCS) A Capella: Soprano, Beatbox, & Choreographer (650 hours)
    -FCS 'Send Some Rain' CD Production (CLICK HERE to listen to full album) (60 hours)
    -Traditional & Digital Artist (CLICK HERE to view my gallery) (N/A hours)
    -The Sketchbook Project 2012 Participant: My sketchbook is at the Brooklyn Art Library in New York! (40 hours)
    -Urbana 12 Student Missions Conference Attendee (120 hours)

    [No formal employment]
    -Takes paid art commissions online (N/A hours)

    Obstacles Overcome
    -Training for the US Half Marathon
    -Diagnosed with Lattice Degeneration eye disease (stabilized and will not affect competency)

    -Anime Central 2016 Artist Alley participating artist ('shini shop' business owner/studio artist)
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 05/31/2015

    • Undergraduate college: UC Berkeley
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 513
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 128, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.70
    • Science GPA: 3.60

    Summary of Application Experience

    {All secondaries were submitted within 2 weeks of being received}

    **Also applied to Rutgers NJMS & UC Riverside

    [7/16] Created MDapp ID + 32 Secondaries down!
    [7/17] Received secondary for UCSD & Wake Forest! (+Michigan State)
    [7/18] Received secondary for Rutgers NJMS; submitted Rush, EVMS, & Iowa secondaries
    [7/19] Sent completed Mizzou OSS form to request OOS secondary; submitted Northwestern & Michigan State secondaries
    [7/20] Received Albany & Wright State; sent completed survey to Wright State; submitted Wake Forest secondary
    [7/21] Received University of Kentucky; submitted Rutgers NJMS secondary
    [7/23] Submitted UCSD & Albany secondaries
    [7/25] Submitted UK secondary; I have completed all secondaries to date WOO! Now to wait for the last few to trickle in...
    [7/27] Received UIC & UCSF; submitted UCSF secondary (waiting for pre-requisite clearance from UIC before submitting)
    [7/30] Received and submitted Temple secondary; mailed Arkansas secondary
    [8/2] Received and submitted Drexel secondary; all essays have been written/pre-written!!
    [8/6] Finally got a hold of UIC Admissions and submitted secondary! Now if only UCLA and UCR would hurry up, I'd be done with all secondaries...>__<
    [8/25] Got my first II at UIC! PTL<3
    [9/14] UIC interview @ Chicago campus
    [11/9] II at EVMS!
    [12/4] II at SUNY Downstate!
    [12/16] EVMS interview
    [1/5] SUNY Downstate interview
    [1/7] II at Temple (St. Luke's)!
    [1/12] Temple (St. Luke's) interview; waitlisted middle 1/3 @ EVMS
    [5/17] Got off the waitlist at EVMS!! God is so good :'D Withdrew from SUNY Downstate Alternate List
    [5/25] Placed in fourth quartile for UIC Alternate List; will be withdrawing.
    [6/5] Withdrew from UIC Alternate List

    Applied, Rejected

    Southern Illinois University
    University of Missouri, Columbia
    University of California, Los Angeles

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Albany Medical College
    Baylor College
    Boston University
    Wake Forest University
    University of California, San Francisco
    Rosalind Franklin University
    University of Cincinnati
    Dartmouth College
    University of California, Irvine
    University of Iowa
    Johns Hopkins University
    Loyola University Chicago
    Loma Linda University
    University of Michigan
    New York University
    Northwestern University
    Ohio State University
    University of Oklahoma
    University of Rochester
    Saint Louis University
    Washington University in St. Louis
    University of Wisconsin
    University of Connecticut
    Brown University
    Michigan State University
    University of Toledo
    SUNY Stony Brook
    Rush Medical College
    Hofstra University
    Florida Atlantic University
    Tufts University
    Tulane University
    University of Kentucky
    University of California, San Diego
    Mayo Medical School
    Indiana University
    Wright State University
    University of Nebraska
    University of Arkansas
    New York Medical College
    Drexel University
    University of Chicago
    University of Miami
    George Washington University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Temple University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    University of Illinois
    SUNY Downstate

    Accepted off Waitlist

    Eastern Virginia Medical School

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