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MD Applicants

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  • pretzelcheesy

  • Application cycles: 2015
  • Demographics: Male, 34, Caucasian
  • Home state: Alabama
  • Last Active: 02/27/2016
  • Brief Profile: Why isn't "witchcraft and wizardry" an option under area of study?
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2015

    • Undergraduate college: Hogwarts
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 488
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 132, C/P 118, CARS 118  
    • Overall GPA: 1.00
    • Science GPA: 2.50

    Summary of Application Experience

    Some information on stats and demographics is false, to maintain anonymity. LizzyM is ~71 with a good amount of research and teaching experience. I've found it helpful to read about our predecessors' experiences, so I'll try to update as the cycle progresses. Also, thanks mdapps for keeping me on track!

    Before 2015: MCAT
    4/2015: LOR requests sent
    5/2015-6/2015: Transcripts sent
    6/2015: Primary submitted (waiting for transcripts...note to future applicants: send your transcripts to AMCAS EARLY. Pay the extra fees for express processing and mailing, if you must)
    late 6/2015: Primary verified by AMCAS
    7/2015-9/2015: YAAAS. Secondaries are finally submitted. Some were submitted within hours of receiving the secondary, while I sat on others for months. Most, however, were submitted within 3-5 days.
    8/2015 (mid to late): Ecstatic for my first II at CCLCM. Definitely screamed and choked on my lunch after realizing I received an invite.
    -WHOA. Three II from VCU, Hofstra, and NYMC. I can't wait to visit the East Coast and these amazing schools.
    10/2015: CCLCM Interview
    10/2015: SUNY Downstate II. Holy smokes! Thank you for the NY love
    11/2015: All aboard the rejection train...
    11/2015: SUNY Downstate interview
    12/2015: VCU, Hofstra, NYMC interviews
    12/2015: SUNY Downstate acceptance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
    12/2015: OSU II
    2/2016: OSU and USC interviews

    Applied, Rejected

    Vanderbilt University
    Mayo Medical School

    Applied, Withdrew

    Virginia Tech Carilion
    University of Arizona

    Application Complete

    University of California, Irvine
    University of California, Los Angeles
    Emory University
    University of Vermont
    University of Massachusetts
    Drexel University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    University of California, Davis
    University of Rochester
    Boston University
    Dartmouth College
    George Washington University
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    University of California, San Francisco
    Wake Forest University
    Brown University
    Cornell University
    University of California, San Diego
    Case Western Reserve University

    Attended Interview

    Hofstra University
    Virginia Commonwealth University
    Cleveland Clinic Medical School

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    University of Southern California

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    New York Medical College


    Ohio State University
    SUNY Downstate

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