Brief Profile:
Why isn't "witchcraft and wizardry" an option under area of study?
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 2015
Undergraduate college: Hogwarts
Total MCAT SCORE: 488
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 132,
C/P 118,
CARS 118
Overall GPA: 1.00
Science GPA: 2.50
Summary of Application Experience
Some information on stats and demographics is false, to maintain anonymity. LizzyM is ~71 with a good amount of research and teaching experience. I've found it helpful to read about our predecessors' experiences, so I'll try to update as the cycle progresses. Also, thanks mdapps for keeping me on track!
Timeline Before 2015: MCAT 4/2015: LOR requests sent 5/2015-6/2015: Transcripts sent 6/2015: Primary submitted (waiting for transcripts...note to future applicants: send your transcripts to AMCAS EARLY. Pay the extra fees for express processing and mailing, if you must) late 6/2015: Primary verified by AMCAS 7/2015-9/2015: YAAAS. Secondaries are finally submitted. Some were submitted within hours of receiving the secondary, while I sat on others for months. Most, however, were submitted within 3-5 days. 8/2015 (mid to late): Ecstatic for my first II at CCLCM. Definitely screamed and choked on my lunch after realizing I received an invite. -WHOA. Three II from VCU, Hofstra, and NYMC. I can't wait to visit the East Coast and these amazing schools. 10/2015: CCLCM Interview 10/2015: SUNY Downstate II. Holy smokes! Thank you for the NY love 11/2015: All aboard the rejection train... 11/2015: SUNY Downstate interview 12/2015: VCU, Hofstra, NYMC interviews 12/2015: SUNY Downstate acceptance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D 12/2015: OSU II 2/2016: OSU and USC interviews
Summary of Experience:
too tired to complete secondary, and didn't particularly connect with the prompts. I also don't have a letter of rec from a clinical supervisor, so not sure it's worth it to complete the secondary
Summary of Experience:
I stayed overnight at the Marriott, but apparently there is a student hosting program?! Sad because I would've participated had I known.
2 interviewers, both were physicians. Very conversational, one interviewer wanted to talk about my internship in undergrad that had nothing to do with science or medicine o_o
pros: curriculum and early patient exposure (like legit in the first week and actually working with patients as an EMT), administration seems to be very student centered and receptive to feedback, surrounding environment (on undergrad campus plus suburban feel with the city not too far away), everything is so sparkly and new :D As Dean Smith said, they built the medical education building to help students feel more at home at school rather home. Basically they built a new huge building because the med students wanted it!
Cons: NS-LIJ is far away from the Hofstra campus (car is a must.. must figure out a way to shuttle my car across the country if I'm fortunate enough to go here), on campus housing is priceyy, MS4 seemed to be half asleep during lunch???
Summary of Experience:
Their medical education building is truly amazing. Step 1 prep is unparalleled; they design a unique study plan for you based on your test performance in preclinical years.
opportunity to rotate at Inova Fairfax (smaller group so more hands on possibility).
i2crp program sounds really interesting
1 interviewer, open file. Conversational with some behavioral questions thrown in. But my interviewer was super nice!
Summary of Experience:
Enjoyed my interview day, and the facilities there are wonderful. But I would not attend over OSU. Hope my withdrawal from the waitlist will (however marginally) increase a chance for someone's acceptance.
chill (albeit long) interview day; ended at around 3:30pm (start 8:45 for breakfast). chill MS2's. MMI was not as stressful it could have been. My interview group was also super chill :)) We definitely bonded due to mutual stress before the MMI sessions began haha
cons: Research is not as heavily emphasized (but can opt to apply for md/phd after matriculation). Pricey tuition. Rotations are all over the place (ie in westchester, new jersey, nyc, long island.......
pros: decent facilities. Their anatomy lab is pretty amazing! staff was really accommodating and kind! dorm life has its drawbacks but overall adds to quality of student life. I think they said something about how the library is going to be open 24/7 starting next year? Tests are all MC and mirror the same format as Step 1.
Summary of Experience:
Got a text from Dr. Capers! He is truly amazing for personally contacting accepted applicants! hahaha I love it.
OSU shot to the top of my list post interview. I loved the vibe and the collegial atmosphere I got from the students and staff during interview day. The James is freaking amazing, and I like how the curriculum lets you pursue personal interests, be it research and working with the community in Columbus or internationally.
Pleasantly surprised. I thought my cycle was essentially over, but OSU came out of left field and gave me hope!
pretzelcheesy took the old MCAT and scored a 18 which is in the 15th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 488 on the updated scale which is in the 15th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted pretzelcheesy’s section scores as follows:
pretzelcheesy scored a 15 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
pretzelcheesy scored a 2 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
pretzelcheesy scored a 1 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 118 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.