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MD Applicants

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  • Application cycles: 06/01/2014
  • Demographics: Male, 31, South Asian
  • Home state: Michigan
  • Last Active: 11/05/2017
  • Brief Profile: I hope my experiences can benefit future applicants!

    For a summary of my quantifiable qualifications and activities, please see:

    Please note that my MCAT was taken in 2014 and therefore did not include the Writing section. The Writing score "T" listed is a placeholder only (MDapplicants requires a Writing score be listed).

    Please note also that my university sends recommendation letters as part of a premedical advising committee letter. The "application complete" dates listed are actually the dates when I completed the secondary applications. In other words, these dates indicate when I finished everything on my end.

    Committee letter received by AMCAS (applications completed) date: 8/14/14
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/01/2014

    • Undergraduate college: "Top 20"
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 522
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 132, CARS 130  
    • Overall GPA: 4.00
    • Science GPA: 4.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    5/1/15: I'm probably at the end of the line, at long last. It sounds arrogant, but this process didn't go as I expected. With my 4.0/38, top 20 school, etc., I figured I would get interviews left and right. Turns out extracurricular experiences, unique leadership, etc. seem to play a bigger role than I thought. I was even rejected outright by Michigan, despite being in state and exceeding all the averages for in state applicants. Let that be a lesson � statistics are not everything.

    Being rejected by so many schools was humbling. I accepted my results and was fully prepared to attend Wayne State, originally one of my "safety schools." How pretentious of me! When I actually thought about it, Wayne State offered me a lot, from proximity to home to streaming lectures to ability to research with nearby major universities. I was too blinded by pride to see that before.

    In the end, I have chosen to attend Pittsburgh, a fantastic school by which I was fortunate enough to be accepted from the waitlist. From the research opportunities, to glowing reviews by former students I know, to the city itself, to PGH's proximity to Michigan, it's a wonderful fit. So despite this cycle not turning out how I expected, the result will likely make me much happier than some of my initial interests would have (e.g. East Coast schools). Funny how life turns out sometimes.

    Due to the waitlist acceptance, I will be attending a "top 20" school instead of a more locally known state school. Again, I don't think this reflects much more than chance and some degree of fit. I'm definitely not going to pontificate about how I "deserved it." That's a foolish concept, even more so for a profession like this. I'm more modest now, which is a great thing. Yes indeed, applying to medical school actually made me a better person. Hell if I saw that coming.

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Mayo Medical School
    Boston University
    University of Michigan
    Cornell University
    University of Chicago
    University of Pennsylvania
    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    Columbia University
    Harvard University
    Yale University
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine
    Loyola University Chicago
    Michigan State University
    Northwestern University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Case Western Reserve University
    New York University

    Accepted off Waitlist

    University of Pittsburgh


    University of Cincinnati
    Oakland University
    Wayne State University

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