Brief Profile:
My actual home state is on the East Coast.
Actual MCAT is between 37-40. All MCAT subsections are within a point of 13. Actual GPA (both overall and science) is between 3.91-3.94.
Keeping things vague until after the cycle is over. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/03/2014
Undergraduate college: Top 25
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Total MCAT SCORE: 523
MCAT Section Scores:
B/B 130,
C/P 130,
CARS 132
Overall GPA: 3.92
Science GPA: 3.93
Summary of Application Experience
Timeline of Process: January: -began studying for the MCAT casually (mostly review) March: -began studying for the MCAT rigorously (taking practice exams, lots of verbal practice passages, etc.) -began writing personal statement April: -asked for letters -took MCAT May -completed personal statement and AMCAS -received MCAT scores -finalized school list June -started pre-writing secondary essays PLEASE NOT THAT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING DATES ARE +/- ONE DAY OF THE ACTUAL DATE 4th: submitted primary 11: primary verified 29: UMichigan secondary submitted July 1: UChicago secondary submitted 2: UVA secondary submitted, WUSTL secondary submitted 3: Emory secondary submitted, Baylor secondary submitted 5: UPenn secondary submitted, Vanderbilt secondary submitted 6: 1st interview received, VCU secondary submitted, Columbia secondary submitted 8: UPitt secondary submitted 11: 2nd interview received, Duke secondary submitted 13: NYU secondary submitted, Harvard secondary submitted 16: Mt. Sinai secondary submitted 20: 3rd interview received 22: Yale secondary submitted 27: 4th interview received 28: 5th interview received August: 3: Northwestern secondary submitted 4: 6th interview received 5: I'm excited to say that after receiving my 6th interview offer, I'm withdrawing my application to CWRU. I'm burnt out, have already had plenty of success with where I've already applied, and am calling it quits on the application part of the process. Now it's just a waiting game! 7: 7th interview received 10: 8th interview received 15: 9th interview received 21: 1st interview attended; 10th interview received 29: 2nd interview attended September: 4: 11th interview received; 12th interview received 8: 3rd interview attended 15: 4th interview attended 19: 5th interview attended 29: 6th interview attended October 6: 7th interview attended 7: 8th interview attended 10: 9th interview attended 16th: 10th interview attended, FIRST ACCEPTANCE 20th: 11th interview attended November 5: 13th interview received 24: 12th interview attended December 8: 13th interview attended 11: Second acceptance 16: 3rd and 4th acceptances 25: 5th acceptance (Merry Christmas) January 8: 6th acceptance 30: Pitt rejection February 12: Columbia rejection 16: Michigan rejection
Summary of Experience:
Ughhh, I'm done with applying. Was initially attracted to CWRU because of the Cleveland Clinic 5-year, completely free program. Not a good enough reason to apply. There are literally seven or eight essays and you know what? I just don't want to do it anymore. Not even LeBron can bring me to Believeland.
Summary of Experience:
"Complete" 7/3/14. Application complete, considered, possible interview considered later but I think this means I will not be a Wolverine. ~10/30/14
Summary of Experience:
"Complete" 7/3/14. I was pretty impressed with UVA. The lunch they fed us was amazing. The lecture hall and simulation center were also pretty neat. Pros: -close to home -great facilities -beautiful campus -Charlottesville seems like a really nice town -1.5 pre-clinical years -students seemed pretty chill -P/F Cons: -ranking is lower than a lot of the other schools at which I've interviewed, which doesn't influence me all that much but could make a difference on match day -very expensive and they don't give many merit scholarships Other Considerations: -very strong emphasis on PBL
Summary of Experience:
"Complete" 7/5/14. I think I'm in love. Can't exactly pinpoint why I enjoyed the interview day so much. I think it was partly the people, who were so so nice, and partly the beauty of the school. The lunch was blehhh (Jersey Mike sandwiches). The facilities were nice enough (though the Children's Hospital was really great). I came in hesitant about the 1-year pre-clinical curriculum but after my interview day, it didn't scare me and made a lot of sense.
Pros: -weather -aesthetic quality of the school -Nashville is awesome -attached to undergraduate campus which gives it a college-esque feel -3/4 of the class receives 3/4 merit scholarships (fingers crossed I even get in, but that scholarship would be unbelievable) -thrust into clinical environment very early -P/F first two years -lots of retreats, family vibe -faculty is super supportive -colleges within the medical school seem pretty dope -hell of a lot of flexibility in 3rd and 4th years Cons: -kind of far from home -research starts in year 3, and due to the curriculum, it's kind of hard to start it much earlier Other Considerations: -small class size of 88 -1 year pre-clinical curriculum -mixture of CBL (emphasized a fair amount), lectures (not so much), community clinic afternoons, and ethics/professionalism meetings
daenerys took the old MCAT and scored a 39 which is in the 100th percentile of all old scores.
We converted this to a 523 on the updated scale which is in the 100th percentile of the updated MCAT. We also converted daenerys’s section scores as follows:
daenerys scored a 13 on the Biological Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 130 on the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems.
daenerys scored a 13 on the Physical Science section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 130 on the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems.
daenerys scored a 13 on the Verbal Reasoning section of the old MCAT which is approximately equal to a 132 on the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills.