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MD Applicants

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  • Medmath

  • Application cycles: 07/02/2012
  • Demographics: Male, 33
  • Home state: British Columbia
  • Last Active: 02/20/2013
  • Brief Profile: Academics:
    -2.60 GPA, courses taken in high school
    -3.92 GPA, undergrad
    -Ungraded master's during application year

    -Leadership ECs: Very Strong
    -Athletics: Very Strong
    -Research: 3 months (first lab), 2 years (second lab)
    -Shadowing: Absolutely zero
    -Clinical Volunteering: Zero since high school, very little in high school

    Canadian citizen, not a permanent resident of the US
    Applied to: 1 CDN (in-province), 5 CDN (out-of-province), 20 USA (international)


    Places I screwed myself over, where I wish I'd known more about the application process before hand:

    1. Every course you take, ever, counts. Therefore you can graduate summa cum laude from your undergrad, yet have a GPA below 3.8. I took a lot of upper-div math courses in high school, not thinking they'd affect my future. They dropped my AMCAS GPA by about 0.15 points!

    2. You'll hear from everyone to submit your primary/secondaries ridiculously early. If you're only going to listen to one piece of advice, listen to this one.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 07/02/2012

    • Undergraduate college: UC Berkeley
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Mathematics
    • Institution: University of Cambridge
    • Area of Study: Mathematics
    • Degree Obtained: M.Phil.
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 522
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 132, CARS 130  
    • Overall GPA: 3.79
    • Science GPA: 3.79

    Summary of Application Experience

    Will update with US Schools after end of cycle.

    Application Complete

    University of Toronto

    Application Complete, Rejected

    McGill University

    Invited for Interview

    McMaster University
    University of Western Ontario
    Queen's University

    Attended Interview

    University of British Columbia

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