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MD Applicants

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  • willow

  • Application cycles: 06/03/2012
  • Demographics: Female, 38, Hispanic
  • Home state: New York
  • Last Active: 05/29/2013
  • Brief Profile: First generation Mexican-American
    Graduated in 2009

    2009-present Activities:
    Hospice Volunteer
    Homeless Hospital Volunteer
    On-call translator for non-profit
    1yr Full-time Research Assistant job (TB & Genetics research)
    1yr Full-time Research Assistant job (Genetics research)
    *2yr Full-time Fellowship with public health government agency

    2yr genetics research, not published (conferences attended, posters, etc.)
    1 summer genetics research, published (conference attended, presentations, etc.)
    *4yr genetics research, not published (several conferences attended, posters, etc.) - also work study
    2yr leadership in volunteer organization (national and international relief efforts, health related)
    *3yr leadership in volunteer organization (underserved populations, healthcare related, hospital setting)
    75 hours physician shadowing (US & abroad underserved populations)
    1 semester public health project (US - underserved populations)
    4yr public health project abroad (independent study grant - underserved populations)
    1-month public health project research abroad
    1 semester study abroad

    *Most Meaningful Activities
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/03/2012

    • Undergraduate college: Johns Hopkins University
    • Undergraduate Area of study:
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 511
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 125, C/P 125, CARS 132  
    • Overall GPA: 3.30
    • Science GPA: 3.24

    Summary of Application Experience

    I am a re-applicant, during my first cycle I applied very late (2ries submitted in Nov-Dec.) and received 4 interviews, 2 waitlists, no acceptances.

    This second time around I took the MCAT again (score above is highest of two), submitted the application on day 1 and also had more meanigful activities. My GPA has an upward trend (dean's list 4 semesters). I wanted to include my info to inspire other applicants that may have had a disadvantaged backroung (I did not learn English until I was 15) but may be high-achievers and comitted to making a difference.

    This cycle has been going really well, I received 10 interview invites (2 DO, 8 MD). My wish was to go to a school in CA and if possible to receive an acceptance early in the cycle so I did not have to continue traveling and spending $. Luckily it happened and I cancelled 5 interviews. The only one that I wished I could have attended is UWSOM but $ and time did not allow me to visit.

    I would like to become a family med physician and work with vulnerable populations. I have a very strong research background and would like to conduct community-based interventions grounded in clinical practice.

    Things that I wished I'd known before my first application:
    - Rolling-admissions! Looking back I think that I should have not applied the first time, in someways it was a waist of $, time & energy.
    - SDN (I discovered it at the end of my 1st cycle - it can be very neurotic but can also be very informative)
    - Medical schools do look at the whole picture - I knew that my GPA would keep me out of some schools but I did not have the funds to take classes to improve it while working full-time. I think that the MCAT and upward trend helped.

    If you are a re-applicant think about a Plan B and try to use your gap year to gain more experience in the field you'd like to join even if you were not accepted into medical school. Knowing that I could continue with a fullfilling public health career if med school did not pan out really helped to keep the anxiety down.

    Apply early
    If possible, pre-write secondaries
    Choose schools based on mission
    Ask a friend to check your essays before submission

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions. This process is an emotional roller-coaster but you'll get to meet great people on your path. Good luck!

    Applied, Rejected

    University of California, Davis
    University of North Carolina

    Applied, Withdrew

    Touro University - Mare Island
    Touro University - Harlem

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of California, San Diego
    University of Southern California
    Boston University
    New York Medical College
    Tulane University

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    SUNY Upstate

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    Western University of Health Sciences
    University of Washington
    Touro University - Henderson
    SUNY Stony Brook
    Albany Medical College

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    University of California, Los Angeles
    Charles Drew University/UCLA


    SUNY Downstate
    The Commonwealth Medical College
    University of California, Irvine

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