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  • jdlykins91

  • Application cycles: 06/21/2012
  • Demographics: Male, 33, Caucasian
  • Home state: Oregon
  • Last Active: 02/06/2013
  • Brief Profile: My name is Joseph Lykins and I will be applying for the 2012-2013 cycle. Hopefully, I will be matriculating in the Fall of 2013!!! I cannot even believe that I am at this point. Undergrad has really flown by!!! I am a Zoology major at the University of Oklahoma in Norman and I involved in a variety of activities, ranging from an Honors Fraternity and research (Drosophila melanogaster FTW) to volunteering at local free clinics and abroad. Hopefully this cycle will be successful for me, and I wish the same for anyone who is reading this!!!

    I have some time, so I figured that I would post some information about my extracurricular activities. Just in case people are interested/ feel like they want to know. Hopefully the schools that I applied to like these, though I enjoyed them, so that is all that matters.

    Extracurricular Activities:

    Student Organizations-
    OU Student Martial Arts Association- Member/ Instructor; Self-Defense Seminars
    Pre-Medical Professions Club- Publicity Crew; Bridges to Access Public Health Conference Attendee; Suture Clinic
    Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity- Gamma Phi Chapter; Parliamentarian, President
    Medical Ethics and Issues Discussion Panel- attended several meetings last year and will be an official member (pay my dues... haha...) this coming year!

    Paid Employment-
    Department of Athletics- Content Tutor- I tutored athletes in zoology and chemistry courses; incredibly rewarding work
    Department of Athletics- Desk Assistant- I monitor the Athletic Dorms and get free room and board for doing it!
    Department of Zoology- Teaching Assistant- unpaid for ZOO 3333 (Genetics) and paid for ZOO 1114 (Introductory Zoology)
    Multnomah Family Care Center- Medical Assistant/ Ensured clinic\'s compliance with Meaningful Use Measures for Medicare Reimbursement as well as helping to get practice established as a Patient-Centered Primary Care Home

    Volunteer Activities-
    Manos Juntas Clinic- Oklahoma City, OK- Triage/ Pharmacy volunteer (taking vitals, basic patient history, etc.) and instructor; translator
    Essential Health Clinic- Hillsboro, OR- Vitals volunteer (taking BP, temp, basic history, etc.) and instructor; translator
    Global Medical Brigades- Tegucigalpa, Honduras- set up a clinic in a school in the countryside in Honduras (San Diego); took vitals, worked in the pharmacy, shadowed Honduran physicians, translated

    Miscellaneous Activities/ Interests
    Genetics Research- I have worked in a genetics lab with Drosophila melanogaster for the better part of three years. I was named a co-author on one publication, and have work moving towards publication; Hopefully at least three (fingers crossed for first author!!!); I will conduct research for my honors thesis in this lab, ideally on heat shock protein gene expression; 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago, IL- attendee; will hopefully attend this year\'s conference in Washington, DC; Also participated in the lab book club...
    Physician Shadowing- I have shadowed several family practitioners and got the opportunity to take complete patient histories and have learned some of the basics of the physical examination; incredibly neat process
    Martial Arts- I am a 1st Degree Black Belt in taekwondo and hope to be able to continue with my training wherever I end up attending medical school
    Music- I have played the clarinet for many years; I did not play officially in college (though I might try to play in the concert band at OU in the spring) and want to continue with this as well; I am a bit rusty, but I can still play a thing or two
    Poetry- I have recently resumed writing poetry, especially about my experiences shadowing with doctors; It is good for the soul, and I would highly encourage you all to try it sometime... It doesn\'t have to rhyme... Just allow the soul to speak!!!
    Various Scholarships and Awards from the University
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/21/2012

    • Undergraduate college: University of Oklahoma
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 519
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 129, C/P 128, CARS 132  
    • Overall GPA: 3.91
    • Science GPA: 3.90

    Summary of Application Experience

    University of Oklahoma College of Medicine- Primary Submitted 06/22- Verified- 07/20- Secondary Submitted- 09/04- Interview Invite- 12/20- Interview Attended- 1/10/2013- Rejected- 02/06/2013
    Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine- Primary Submitted 06/22- Verified- 07/20- Secondary Invite- 07/26- Secondary Submitted- 08/28- Interview Invite- 11/1- Interview Attended- 11/30- Accepted- 12/19
    Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine- Primary Submitted 06/22- Verified- 07/20- Secondary Invite- 07/27- Secondary Submitted- 08/28- Interview Invite- 02/04/2013
    Harvard Medical School- Primary Submitted 06/22- Verified- 07/20- Secondary Invite- 07/23- Secondary Submitted- 08/04
    Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago- Primary Submitted 06/22- Verified- 07/20- Secondary Invite- 07/03- Secondary Submitted- 07/22- Interview Invite- 07/25- Interview Attended- 10/11- Accepted- 01/10/2013 w/ $160,000 Merit Scholarship
    The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine- Primary Submitted 06/22- Verified- 07/20- Secondary Invite- 07/23- Secondary Submitted- 07/26- Rejected 12/20

    I am also planning, as soon as finances allow, to submit a primary application to more schools, including the College of Physicians and Surgeons- Columbia University, the Baylor College of Medicine, and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Application Complete

    Harvard University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Johns Hopkins University

    Invited for Interview

    Oregon Health & Science University

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    University of Oklahoma


    University of Chicago
    Medical University of South Carolina

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