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MD Applicants

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  • KeepOnSwimmin

  • Application cycles: 06/12/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 36, South Asian
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 09/07/2012
  • Brief Profile: I was always participating in extracurricular activities, and those (along with 4 years of research experience) have been the backbone of my application. I always involved myself in activities and research that I felt strongly about, and made sure that my passion came through in my essays and personal statement.

    PM me if you have any questions!
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/12/2011

    • Undergraduate college: UC
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Psychology/Social Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 131, C/P 128, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.70
    • Science GPA: 3.60

    Summary of Application Experience

    I found other applicants\' MDApps profiles to be tremendously useful, and made mine to pass that vibe along.

    Applied, Withdrew

    University of California, San Diego

    Application Complete

    University of Pennsylvania
    Wake Forest University
    University of Southern California

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Tulane University
    University of Chicago
    University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    Albany Medical College
    SUNY Stony Brook
    Temple University
    University of Maryland
    University of Illinois

    Attended Interview

    University of California, Los Angeles

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    George Washington University
    University of Vermont
    Rosalind Franklin University


    Case Western Reserve University
    University of California, Irvine

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