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MD Applicants

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  • BurntFlower

  • Application cycles: 06/22/2017
  • Demographics: Female, 36, Hispanic
  • Home state: Ohio
  • Last Active: 03/01/2019
  • Brief Profile: I decided to pursue medicine during my senior year of undergrad. Im a double major in English/Biology. I have a Master of Science in Medical Physiology.

    I have lived most of my life in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia.

    4 time reapplicant (!!!!!!!!)

    MCAT 2014: 21
    MCAT 2017: 503

    -Fluent in English, Spanish and some Portuguese.
    -Currently working at a health clinic that treats many refugee and Hispanic patients.
    -300 hours of clinical volunteering (ER, Oncology & Nursing care center)
    -Every Christmas from 2007-2015, volunteered at a pediatric hospital in Bolivia.
    -Many hours teaching English to Syrian, Somali, and Burmese refugees.
    -Taught science experiments to Hispanic immigrant kids for after-school programs
    -36 hours physician shadowing (MD and DO)
    -One summer teaching English to 5th grade children in Chile.
    -Spanish tutor.
    -100+ hours volunteering at a veterinary clinic in Bolivia.
    -Vice-President of LINK (Liberty in North Korea) for 4 years during undergrad. We raise money to help relocate North Korean refugees.
    -Marketing Director & Designer of Friendly Lunch (student organization that helps freshman meet other people by setting up lunch dates).
    -Spring break in Birmingham, Alabama volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.
    -Red belt in Taekwondo.
    -TA in Organic Chemistry 1
    -TA in Organic Chemistry 2
    -TA for a Philosophy class for 2 years.
    -Several hours cleaning out homes affected by floods.
    -Work experience for 2 years.
    -Hobbies: Soccer, Drawing, Painting, Martial Arts, Mountain Climbing, running (2 5ks)
    -Some scholarships.
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/22/2017

    • Undergraduate college: Binghamton University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 503
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 126, C/P 124, P/S 129, CARS 124
    • Overall GPA: 3.40
    • Science GPA: 3.30


    University of Maryland

    Applied, Rejected

    Virginia Commonwealth University
    Charles Drew University/UCLA

    Applied, Withdrew

    Edward Via Virginia College
    Northeastern Ohio Universities
    Oakland University

    Application Complete

    University of Toledo
    Ohio State University
    Howard University
    Philadelphia College - Atlanta
    Lake Erie College - Erie
    Lake Erie College - Bradenton
    Meharry Medical College
    University of Illinois

    Application Complete, Rejected

    West Virginia University
    Wright State University
    Indiana University
    The Commonwealth Medical College
    Rosalind Franklin University
    Medical College of Wisconsin
    Creighton University
    Morehouse School of Medicine
    Des Moines University
    University of Arizona - Phoenix
    Georgetown University
    SUNY Downstate
    Western University of Health Sciences
    University of Cincinnati
    George Washington University
    University of Iowa
    Saint Louis University
    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia
    Temple University

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    New York College of New York Tech.

    Attended Interview

    University of Vermont
    New York Medical College

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted

    Wayne State University


    Ohio University

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