Brief Profile:
Re-applicant. Applied late-ish (Late August/October/November) in the 2010-2011 application cycle and came out of it with two interviews (Drexel, Temple) and 2 rejections. Took the MCAT in July of this cycle and got a 30Q (BS:11 PS:10 V:9). Also I was unemployed at the time and felt that may have had an impact on my applications. I was questioned about this during both my interviews.
Retook the MCAT in June of 2011for a 34Q (breakdown above). Had better luck at NY state schools then at home. Only got interviews for two private schools which given the ones I picked I thought was odd but I am a re-applicant so I am not med student gold. After this application cycle I honestly am a little disappointed that I wasn\'t able to get more interviews but am pretty happy with the schools I was accepted to.
// Applications //
Application Cycle One: 06/30/2011
Undergraduate college: Liberal Arts School in the Northeast
Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
Summary of Experience:
Taking forever to get me their secondary
Withdrew invite. Not my first choice of schools with it\'s hefty price tag plus I don\'t feel like Drexel has anything really to offer over the schools I\'ve been accepted to so far.
Summary of Experience:
School was really nice and in a beautiful area. The staff was really polite and seemed like they really cared about if you went there or not. I had two interviews (one ad com member and then an MD) which was unusual I think. No one else in my interview day did. The anatomy lab was a big sell. Lots of natural light and very new (top floor as well).
Rejected in mid December. Was a nice school in a nice location but didn\'t really like the fact that they emphasized primary care or the price tag, Don\'t think I really would have considered it had I been accpeted anyway.
Summary of Experience:
The interview was very lax and the school was nice. The day wasn\'t too structured though. I ended up sitting in two hours of class waiting for other people to get done their interviews and then had a really long tour. One of the classes was PBL which was pretty cool to experience. Wait listed in the time frame they gave me from hearing. Kind of shocked by this given that there averages are far below mine and I thought my interview went really well. Accepted the spot (even though I have no real intention of going here) just to see whether they want to know if I am serious about going here or not.
Summary of Experience:
School was great and in a nice area. Practically new anatomy labs from what I could tell. Curriculum is P/F for the first two years and in block fashion integrated with anatomy lab. Students were friendly and the people I interviewed with were too. The MMI format is definitely something interesting to experience. Should hear back by mid-December
Upset about the waitlist. Killed it in my interview. There were other students from my university applying there though. Hoping for an acceptance come May.
Summary of Experience:
Really low stress interview. Didn\'t stop me from being stressed though. School was nice. For Newark the area wasn\'t too bad either. The school gives plenty of time to study for step 1 and you will never have tests back to back b/c, with the exception of physicians core, you only have classes on at a time.
Summary of Experience:
Really liked my experience here. The school wasn\'t the newest but wasn\'t run down like I\'ve heard it described. It\'s true it wasn\'t in the best area but I didn\'t find it particularly dangerous. They just renovated the anatomy lab so that was new and they are in the process of revamping the curriculum. Students seemed happy as well.
Accepted the week after christmas. One of my top choices at the moment.