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MD Applicants

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  • VandyAM

  • Application cycles: 06/09/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 35, Caucasian
  • Home state: Tennessee
  • Last Active: 11/05/2011
  • Brief Profile: Research x2
    CNA on Trauma floor/phlebotomist for 4 years
    Worked ~45-55 hrs/wk throughout college
    President of my volunteer group
    120+ hrs of shadowing
    Volunteering: Ronald McDonald House Charity
    TA/SI for Chemistry Class

    Great LORs - additional ones from DO and MD

    AACOMAS: Submitted: 6/10/11, Complete:6 /22/11
    AMCAS: Submitted: 6/10/11, Complete: / /
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/09/2011

    • Undergraduate college: Vanderbilt University
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 500
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 123, C/P 125, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.49
    • Science GPA: 3.30

    Summary of Application Experience

    I will update this as I get new information. I have a very low original MCAT score; I re-took May 20th, 2011 (didn\'t feel too good about it), and I am waiting to get my scores on June 21st.

    5/20/11: Took MCAT: Didn\'t feel too hott about it, which is a huge shame. BS felt horrible. I missed easy questions I can already recall :( VB was going great until the last passage, during which I\'m pretty sure I messed it up. So much for having that section pull me up. Ugh, I hate the wait.
    6/10/11: Submitted primaries for both AACOMAS and AMCAS!!! My AACOMAS transcripts have been in (I jumped the gun), but I just sent in my transcripts to AMCAS, so they will be waiting. Hopefully I\'ll get verified soon!
    6/21: Received MCAT scores back and cried my little heart out. Exact same score as before. I never made below an 11 verbal on even one practice test (out of about 12), so I am shocked beyond belief..I thought BS would bring me down. I signed up to retake July 28th. BOO...this really hurts. Hopefully this will all be a distant memory soon. I want LECOM-B to accept me!!!
    6/22: AACOMAS verified
    7/1: AACOMAS indicates I have officially been \"released\" even though I received secondaries post-dated 2 days ago.
    7/1: Received CCOM, ATSU-SOMA, and ATSU-KCOM supplemental applications
    7/2: Sent in ATSU-SOMA supplemental (working all weekend/trying to study for MCAT, but going to try to have the other two out by Monday)
    7/6: Received NSU, VCOM, LMU-DOM, AZCOM
    7/8: Sent NSU/LECOM-B secondary. Finding it hard to sacrafice MCAT study time to fill out secondaries ATM.
    7/29: Took MCAT again. Felt bad/stressed immediately post-exam but remember a bunch of questions and after looking them up I got most of them right. Lets hope thats a good sign
    8/20: Getting ready for my wedding next week so not much time between that, school, and work to finish secondaries. Finally found time this weekend to do ~4 of them and will update with those schools next week once I send them off. Lets hope interviews come soon!!
    8/21: Sent LMU-DCOM, Western U secondary. Missing a paper for TOURO-CA secondary but will send after wedding.
    9/2: Got an e-mail from LMU-DCOM contact I met last semester and she was happy to hear from me....expecting to hear something about an interview fairly soon. After the wedding I got my retake MCAT scores back: 10vb/8ps/7bs (shame I went down in bs....a 26 would have looked a lot better) for a total of 25R. Boo for writing not counting!
    9/2 continued: Sent e-mails to NSU and LECOM-B to gauge my chances for interview with my updated MCAT. I hope a 25 will at least get me an interview at these schools....please! Haven\'t heard back yet...
    9/12: I\'ve been bad about updating. I got an interview! LMU-DCOM = first interview, and hopefully not my last. I was complete with them 8/31 and my interview is set for 9/28. Today I submitted my TUCOM-CA and PCOM-GA secondaries. Left a message with Pikeville (who is showing no love, despite my credentials matching with theirs perfectly) about them sending me a secondary, and am still in search of TUCOM-NV\'s phone number so I can get one from them as well.
    10/5: I got bad with updating. I received an interview at LMU-DCOM on 9/28 and got the call yesterday that I got ACCEPTED! I\'m going to be a doctor!!!! Dream come true :) And to top it off, today I got an interview invite at PCOM-GA! Super, super pumped. I love ATL!
    10/18: I attended the PCOM-GA interview. I was obsessed with the school and the surrounding area. It\'s the perfect place. Me and my husbands hopes are up a little bit, so bad news would kind of be a killer. Fingers are crossed though, and hoping for the best.
    11/4: Accepted to PCOM-GA! This is where I will be attending... I\'m going to withdraw my applications at all other schools.


    East Tennessee State University
    Edward Via Virginia College
    Chicago College of Mid. University
    Meharry Medical College
    Pikeville College
    Touro University - Mare Island
    University of Tennessee

    Application Complete

    A.T. Still University - Kirksville
    Lake Erie College - Bradenton
    Nova Southeastern University
    Touro University - Henderson
    Western University of Health Sciences
    Lake Erie College - Erie
    A.T. Still University - Mesa


    Lincoln Memorial University
    Philadelphia College - Atlanta

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