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MD Applicants

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  • hiddink88

  • Application cycles: 05/31/2010
  • Demographics: Male, 36, East Asian
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 11/18/2010
  • Brief Profile: BS in Chemistry in May 2010
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 05/31/2010

    • Undergraduate college: UC Berkeley
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Physical Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 520
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 131, C/P 132, CARS 126  
    • Overall GPA: 3.08
    • Science GPA: 3.24

    Summary of Application Experience

    My GPA was terribad from 3 years of slacking/not beign a good student. I wasn\'t even constantly partying or anything. I just had a habit of procrastinating until the night before exams (worked well for me in HS, not so much in college) and I was too lazy to do anythign to change the situation (wasn\'t really thinking about the future). I did a ton of research in biophysics and pchem during college (not related to medicine at all) because I thought it was interesting. 2 posters. Zero publications. After three years of observing grad students and faculty, I realized that I didnt\' want that kind of career. In the winter of my senior year, I was given an intervention by my family. I really reevaluated what I wanted in life, and much to the delight of my parents, I decided that I wanted to apply to med school. Took the MCAT in April 2010. Studied my ass off for it from Jan 2010 til then using a friend\'s Princeton hyperlearning materials. The highest I ever got on verbal on practice tests was 12.

    List of ECs:
    600 hours volunteering in VA hospital during high school
    Taught a free SAT1 class to Berkeley area high school students for a semester
    Went to China in Summer of 2007 and volunteered at an AIDS clinic

    The China trip is probably the strongest part of my app. I am aware that thanks to my gpa, I have less than a snowballs chance in hell at getting accepted. I figured I\'d compile a list of OOS-friendly bottom-tier MD schools to apply to, and when I inevitably have rejections from all of them, apply to some sort of SMP or gpa repair program. I am not considering DO because I am uninterested in treating patients using back massages and pseudoscience. The caribbean is also out of the question because I would prefer to have a residency match chance greater than 0.

    Total cost of all applications/interviews so far (10/1/2010): $3000


    University of Kentucky
    University of California, San Diego

    Applied, Rejected

    Tulane University
    Rosalind Franklin University
    West Virginia University
    East Tennessee State University
    University of California, Irvine
    University of California, Los Angeles
    Pennsylvania State University
    University of California, Davis

    Application Complete

    University of Kansas
    Albert Einstein of Yeshiva University
    Albany Medical College
    Rush Medical College
    Michigan State University
    Drexel University
    Howard University
    New York Medical College
    University of Chicago
    Loma Linda University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Medical College of Wisconsin
    University of Nebraska
    George Washington University


    Uniformed Services University

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