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MD Applicants

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  • bomchicawahwah

  • Application cycles: 07/22/2009
  • Demographics: Female, 36
  • Home state: Unknown
  • Last Active: 06/02/2010

// Applications //

Application Cycle One: 07/22/2009

  • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
  • Total MCAT SCORE: 472
  • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 118, C/P 118, CARS 118  
  • Overall GPA: 0.00
  • Science GPA: 0.00

Summary of Application Experience

hmmm i shadowed and volunteered, did a lil research, community service, work etc.

as far as the MCAT.....well lets just say its good enough for me lol :)

Like many others, I really can\'t wait to be done with this whole application process lol! Thank God all secs are done! So grateful for all the interview invites I\'ve gotten so far. Truly is a blessing considering my committee letter was sent out in the end of OCTOBER (yea, i was pretty pissed) so I was definitey held up for a while. BOOOOOO to my home schools pre-med office lol (but I won\'t put the name of my school on blast just yet lol). I think i\'ll post all my stats when the app cycle is finished....good luck to all :)

1/12- 9 interview invites! God is awesome :)

1/29- So today has definitely been an awesome day. Received my first acceptance! Very happy and I give ALL thanks to Him. At this point my top choices are Cornell and Pritzker. I love them both for different reasons. However, I just can\'t deny the way I felt on my interview day at Pritzker, it was truly amazing. My interviewers and the admissions staff were awesome. I left there pleasantly surprised and they definitley stole BIG chunk of my heart :)....It was a very cold day when I interviewed and one of my interviewers shook my hand and said \"cold hands but warm heart\" how sweet was that? Experiences like that happened througought the day and I\'ve been in love the school ever since. You know its funny how they make sure that you\'re a perfect fit, but that is also our jobs as potential-medical students too. I can truly say when I was there it felt like home. Extraordinary people working together at an extraordinary school. I\'d love to go there! Please accept me Pritzker!


Drexel University
Vanderbilt University

Application Complete

Emory University

Invited for Interview, Withdrew

Mercer University
University of South Florida
New York Medical College

Attended Interview

University of Chicago
University of Illinois

Attended Interview, Waitlisted

University of Pittsburgh
Cornell University


Morehouse School of Medicine
Medical College of Georgia

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