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MD Applicants

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  • USER # 19135

  • Application cycles: 11/30/2009
  • Demographics: Female, 43, African
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 03/06/2011
  • Brief Profile: Nontraditional student - h/s drop out, went back to school as a single parent , worked fulltime all through college

    - worked 40+ hours a week as an undergrad (plus a 4 hour commute - la traffic sucks, neve ever wish to re-live those years spent on the 10 & 405 freeway)
    - spent summer volunteering in Honduras at a nutrition center for malnourished children, and worked at an orphanage
    - Spent 2 months in West Africa (with my 5 year old daughter) volunteering at a free community clinic and woman’s- infant health clinic. Participated in several births.
    - 2 years of volunteer science/ math tutoring in my community
    - UCLA Black Latino Aids Project - Project Director 2 years
    - Community Outreach and Preventative Education volunteer- worked with kids in Venice, CA 1- year
    - 200 + hours of hospital volunteering
    - primary care physican shadowing at free clinic
    - black hypertension project volunteer
    - black pre health member

    CURRENTLY working with psychiatrists on a mental helath team - mental helath case management

  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 11/30/2009

    • Undergraduate college: UCLA
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 505
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 127, CARS 124  
    • Overall GPA: 3.20
    • Science GPA: 3.00

    Summary of Application Experience

    I applied late, due to retaking the MCAT. Took them on January 29th, and didn’t get the results until March 1st. submitted my secondaries in January and asked the school to place them on hold until they receive my MCAT scores. Verbal went down, but PS and BS went up substantially.

    I truly believe that in spite of my mediocre MCAT scores and poor GPA I am a great applicant. I truly believe that sacrifice, overcoming hardship, and determination to become a doctor stands out more than grades and standardized tests (although these things are extremely important). What every interviewer asked me is how I made such a huge jump in my MCAT scores, and how amazing and inspirational my Personal Statement was. Had I waited and applied for the next application cycle early, I believe that I would have been accepted into many more schools. Most schools did not even review my secondary, because their class sizes were already full. (Western, TOuro CA) and I didn’t bother to apply to Allopathic schools, because I knew it was too late. Nonetheless, I believe that I made the right decision by applying late; I’m so ready to start this next phase of my life.

    My advice is, if you want to become a doctor, then put your heart and soul into it. Sell yourself in your interview. Don’t make excuses for weaknesses in your application, they interviewed you, they must like you. Don’t take rejection as failure, and never ever think that failing is an absolute.

    Message me for any advice.


    A.T. Still University - Kirksville
    Touro University - Henderson

    Applied, Rejected

    Western University of Health Sciences

    Applied, Withdrew

    Edward Via Virginia College
    Lake Erie College - Bradenton
    Philadelphia College - Atlanta
    Oklahoma State University
    A.T. Still University - Mesa

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Nova Southeastern University
    Chicago College of Mid. University

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Arizona College of Mid. University

    Accepted off Waitlist

    UMDNJ - Osteopathic Medicine


    Touro University - Harlem
    Kansas City University

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