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MD Applicants

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  • Californian

  • Application cycles: 11/10/2009
  • Demographics: Male, 47, East Asian
  • Home state: California
  • Last Active: 08/01/2010
  • Brief Profile: Non-traditional applicant:
    Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering, San Jose State University, 2000
    Master of Business Administration, Santa Clara University, 2006
    Hewlett-Packard computer security Software Programmer, 5-years
    Mervyn\'s apparel retail chain Financial Analyst, 2-years
    Washington Hospital Volunteer
    Election Poll Worker
    Teaching Assistant
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 11/10/2009

    • Undergraduate college: San Jose State University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Engineering/Technology
    • Institution: Santa Clara University
    • Area of Study: Other
    • Degree Obtained: Master of Business Administration
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 509
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 128, CARS 126  
    • Overall GPA: 3.24
    • Science GPA: 3.14

    Summary of Application Experience

    Uphill struggle until I found a D.O. mentor who shared his application experience. Since I\'m a non-traditional applicant from the computer industry, it was difficult getting shadowing and an advisor recommendation letter. However, professors were eager to help me with letters. MCAT and volunteering were also difficult as I split time between that and work. Don\'t be a Financial Analyst writing the 2008 annual report the month you take the MCAT.
    20091111 Submitted primaries
    20100103 Submitted secondaries
    20100202 Final grades shown on AACOMAS
    20100212 Schools receive final update from AACOMAS
    20100216 Touro University Nevada interview (loved it!)
    20100219 LECOM interview (loved it!)
    20100305 Accepted Touro University Nevada

    Applied, Withdrew

    New York College of New York Tech.

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Edward Via Virginia College
    Western University of Health Sciences

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Touro University - Mare Island
    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Lake Erie College - Erie


    Touro University - Henderson

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