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MD Applicants

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  • Spence

  • Application cycles: 06/06/2009
  • Demographics: Male, 36, Caucasian
  • Home state: Michigan
  • Last Active: 06/28/2010
  • Brief Profile: Work Experience:
    --Research Assistant: 3 years
    --2 journal publications (second author)
    --Manager at a Restaurant: 4 years

    --Student Health Advisory Council

    --Hospital Volunteer (Emergency Dept.)
    --Supervised Science Olympiad competition experiments at my university
    --Student Consultant for Michigan BioTrust for Health

    --Internal Medicine D.O. (~15 hours)

    Academic Stuff:
    --Dean\'s list since my Junior year
    --Scholarship awards through my department/college for my research
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 06/06/2009

    • Undergraduate college: Michigan State University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Physical Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 507
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 126, CARS 127  
    • Overall GPA: 3.24
    • Science GPA: 3.22

    Summary of Application Experience

    3/28/09: Took MCAT
    6/7: Submitted AACOMAS
    6/8: Submitted AMCAS
    7/14: AACOMAS Verified
    7/15: CCOM/AZCOM secondary received
    7/16: LECOM-E secondary received
    7/17: Nova secondary received
    7/20: Submitted Nova secondary
    7/21: PCOM, KCUMB, & MSU-COM secondary received
    7/23: Received interview invite from Nova!
    7/24: KCOM secondary received
    7/27: WVSOM secondary received
    7/28: LECOM-B secondary received
    7/31: Loyola secondary received
    8/13: Received rejection letter from Wayne State =(

    ...Still in the process of completing this section, I\'ll work on it when I have some free time

    Applied, Rejected

    Wayne State University

    Applied, Withdrew

    New York College of New York Tech.
    West Virginia (D.O.)
    A.T. Still University - Kirksville
    Kansas City University
    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia
    Loyola University Chicago
    University of Illinois

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Michigan State University

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Chicago College of Mid. University

    Invited for Interview, Withdrew

    Arizona College of Mid. University
    Lake Erie College - Bradenton


    Nova Southeastern University
    Michigan State University (DO)
    Lake Erie College - Erie

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