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MD Applicants

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  • User #17758

  • Application cycles: 05/16/2011
  • Demographics: Female, 34, Caucasian
  • Home state: Texas
  • Last Active: 06/25/2011
  • Brief Profile: ~~~~~~~~
    I don\'t like my MCAT score at all, retaking...

    Extracurricular activities: Kind of Mediocre in nonclinical activities.

    Clinical Experience: LOTS!

    Shadowing: Plenty!

    Jobs: Mostly clinical, but also some fun stuff with kids!

    For Fun: Run marathons, Read on my Kindle/Android, Lumosity, Cook
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 05/16/2011

    • Undergraduate college: Top tier
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 486
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 122, C/P 124, CARS 120  
    • Overall GPA: 3.34
    • Science GPA: 3.45

    Summary of Application Experience

    *Dear Diary,

    My first MCAT score was terrible to say the least. Though, I must admit that I was chronically \\\\\\\"burnt out\\\\\\\" while taking the test. I had several semester tests leading up to my MCAT day. I was in denial thinking I scored as well on my practice tests the day off and decided to have my MCAT scored. Bad Idea! Bad bad bad!!!!!!
    Well, such is life.... I will put that behind me and take the June 16. So far, I have been revamping my game and only am taking FL tests. I mean, I know the material already. I just need to condition myself to do well by test day. I like to compare my test training to my marathon training.


    May 16 ---- requested all transcripts from two community colleges (minimal courses during the summer) and my undergraduate school.

    May 17---- (difficult setting- made a 30 using AAMC test 6) *btw, earplugs are the best!
    ---- proof reading (well, my mom is to be exact) my personal statement. THANKS MOM!
    ---- bought AAMC test 11 (heard the PS sucks monkey butt)

    May 22---- So far, I\'ve been doing well on my AAMC tests. I haven\'t gone below failing (<70%). So, I am hoping I will rock on June 16. Scores should be back by July 16 and I can have an official application. Whoop! As for my personal statement, I just keep making adjustments and making my mom and gifted sister critique it.

    May 24--- OK. Just tried the GS practice exams. Omegarsh, that\'s nice. I wish I attempted this first. He breaks it down so nicely and talks slowly so I can understand the material. Geez, why don\'t my friends like me enough to tell me this.

    May 25--- Revamping my essay. Should be mind blowingly interesting to read from start to finish by June 1st. I mean, the adcoms will need to wear goggles before they open this explosion waiting to happen. They will be so utterly fascinated by my life that they will not be able to return to reality and move on. Haha, I hope you know that\'s BS (not bachelor\'s of science btw).

    *Dear Diary,

    I really hope my MCAT goes well because that is basically the only thing holding me back from completing my application or just having a blast this summer. Don\'t get me wrong, studying is sort of fun and completes my inquisitive nature, but everyone needs some TLC. However, I will buckle down, stay positive, and complete my mission- ACE the MCAT!

    Determined to win,

    June 22--- OK. Done with the MCAT madness.... well the studying. The REAL madness has now commenced as I wait for that dreaded month to pass. I guess that\'s why they have secondaries and several other applications to fill out in order to keep you from obsessing over your test.

    Application Complete

    University of Texas, Southwestern

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