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MD Applicants

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  • User #17721

  • Application cycles: 2008
  • Demographics: Female,
  • Home state: Missouri
  • Brief Profile: -Major in Chemistry/Biochemistry
    -Minors in Physics and Anthropology
    -Worked in same lab all four year/summers of college. One first author paper, one co-author, another first author submitted, a few 'in preparation', but doubt those will go anywhere.
    -Volunteer patient educator at Planned Parenthood for one year. No shadowing whatsoever at time of application, but some since.
    -Editorial board of undergrad research journal.
    -Casual participation in musical group.
    -TA for upper level Biochem course
    -Very interested in and well-read about a rather specific, kind of odd area of reproductive health unrelated to my undergrad research or personal experience (I was told by the Harvard MSTP director that this is what caught their attention and got me an interview).
    -Had to work to support myself and family during college, AMCAS fee waiver.
    -Straight A's every semester but one (I was working over 40 hours/week and I got a B- in Orgo... the horror!).

    I'm sure anyone who went to college with me (and possibly those who interviewed with me) will be able to tell who I am. Oh well. Please don't leave any comments that are derogatory or reveal my name...
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2008

    • Undergraduate college: Washington University in St. Louis
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Computing and Information Science
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 517
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 129, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.90
    • Science GPA: 3.86

    Summary of Application Experience

    Some thoughts on the admissions process for future applicants:

    -I applied to a lot of schools because I was worried my MCAT score was too low. Also, I was applying with a significant other (wanting a non-medically related PhD) and we wanted to maximize overlap. I also applied to some schools that I was not interested in but were fantastic for him (hence U Washington, MSU, U of I Urbana-Champaign, and Stony Brook).
    -Juggling interviews and classes sucks hardcore. If I could do it all over again, I would apply after graduation and interview while working in a lab.
    -I should have done some shadowing, but for my own benefit, not to enhance my application. Most interviewers agreed with me that actually working in a clinic is much more valuable than shadowing; the only time my lack of shadowing was mentioned as a negative was at Yale (never interview with a psychiatrist if you can help it-it was the most negative and disconcerting interview I've had).
    -My average MCAT score got me screened out at the so called 'number whore' schools (with the exception of WashU-my alma mater). Oh well. I wasn't about to take it again.
    -Finally, I was myself in every admissions essay and during every interview. I even let out a low-grade curse word from time to time. I was nervous as hell, but I eventually decided that if the administration didn't like me (the real, overly anxious, often inappropriate me) then I wouldn't like putting up with them for 7+ years... I didn't believe the 'we want to know you as a person', 'we don't just look at numbers' propaganda before I started interviewing, but I certainly do now. I attribute my high rate of post-interview acceptance to my acting like a human during interviews.
    -Finally finally, try to trust the process. The admissions process (especially the MSTP admissions process) is all about matching you to the right program. I never thought I would end up at a top ten MSTP. Or at least not the top ten MSTP I'm joining... But I suspect that I'll be really happy there.

    If I come up with any more pearls of wisdom, I'll be sure to add them. Also, I will add more specific dates (completion, interview, acceptance) once I have the time to dig out my old admission spreadsheet.

    Good luck!

    Applied, Withdrew

    University of Southern California
    Stanford University
    University of Maryland
    Cornell University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of North Carolina
    University of Michigan
    Johns Hopkins University
    University of Washington
    University of California, San Francisco

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    University of Pennsylvania
    University of Chicago

    Attended Interview, Rejected

    Yale University

    Attended Interview, Withdrew

    University of California, Los Angeles
    University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    Michigan State University
    Northwestern University

    Attended Interview, Waitlisted, Withdrew

    Harvard University


    Washington University in St. Louis
    Duke University
    University of Illinois
    Tufts University
    SUNY Stony Brook
    UMDNJ - Robert Wood Johnson
    University of Wisconsin

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