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MD Applicants

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  • User #11506

  • Application cycles: 2008
  • Demographics: Male, Caucasian
  • Home state: Pennsylvania
  • Brief Profile: Practicing EMT-B 3 years; Gen Chem TA 1 year; ER Volunteer 2 years; Shadowed DO; Chemical Society 3 years; Ugrad Research (Inorganic and Computational Biochem) 3 years; Tour guide 2 summers; DOE intern (inorganic synthesis) 1 summer; Semester Abroad, Spain (fluent in Spanish)
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2008

    • Undergraduate college: Penn State
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Physical Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 514
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 127, C/P 129, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.27
    • Science GPA: 3.08

    Summary of Application Experience

    So my AACOMAS was verified toward the end of August, working on writing secondaries, my committee/DO letters should be going out soon; surprise invite from Nova for an interview today (9/4), haven't even submitted LORs, going down there 9/18, hopefully letters are there by then;
    nova interview done, LECOM next month, need to submit more secondaries

    10/13: submitted secondary to Western U, PCOM, and AZCOM

    10/17: decided to call Nova, found out i was accepted!! and letter was sent 10/10, haven't received it yet; withdraw from MSU-COM and its down to five with Nova my top choice right now

    10/23: Have letter from Nova!

    11/1: withdrawing LECOM, decided Nova was much better fit, probably going, might wait to look at other schools though before I submit

    11/3: accepted to LECOM, guess they didn't get my withdraw e-mail in time

    11/6: rejected AZCOM interview because it was way after Nova deadline

    11/10: Decided on Nova, really liked the school + too late to complete process at other schools before 12/14

    11/20: So I got an interview at PCOM for today and I really liked the school, can't decide between Nova and PCOM, was much easier before when I thought I was done! any input would be appreciated

    11/28: Accepted to PCOM, trying to decide before 12/14 between Nova and PCOM

    12/05: Decided to attend PCOM, deposit sent and I finally know what I am doing with my life for the next 4 years! now going to enjoy my senior year at PSU!

    any questions, don't hesitate toa sk


    New York College of New York Tech.

    Applied, Withdrew

    UMDNJ - Osteopathic Medicine

    Application Complete, Rejected

    Western University of Health Sciences

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Ohio University
    Michigan State University (DO)
    Arizona College of Mid. University


    Nova Southeastern University
    Lake Erie College - Erie
    Philadelphia College - Philadelphia

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