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MD Applicants

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  • User #10808

  • Application cycles: 2008
  • Demographics: Male, Caucasian
  • Home state: Indiana
  • Brief Profile: Jobs and Science-Related Activities
    -Associate Editor for an Undergraduate Publication (
    -Organic Chemistry Lab TA (2 semesters)
    -Lab Prep Worker (2 semesters)
    -Learning Lab Coach (2 semesters)
    -Chemistry Tutor (4 semesters)
    -Science Club Member (6 semesters)

    -Chemistry Research: Conversion of a High Performance Liquid Chromatograph to a Supercritical Fluid Chromatograph (2 Semesters)
    -Biology Research: Effects of Dexamethasone on Mouse Fibroblast Cells (4 Semesters)
    -Biochemistry Research: Yeast Meiosis Proteomics, Purdue University (Summer Fellowship)

    Academic Distinctions
    -Dean's List (6 semesters; should I even list this?)
    -CRC Publishing General Chemistry Achievement Award
    -Merck & Co. Organic Chemistry Achievement Award
    -Lilly Endowment Undergraduate Research Assistantship Award (2 years)
    -Other Institutional Scholarships for Academic Excellence

    Non-Science Volunteer Experiences
    -Camp counselor for kids with Muscular Dystrophy; worked a full week around the clock, full care
    -Dormitory Leadership
  • // Applications //

    Application Cycle One: 2008

    • Undergraduate college: Indiana Wesleyan University
    • Undergraduate Area of study: Biological/Life Sciences
    • Total MCAT SCORE: 522
    • MCAT Section Scores: B/B 130, C/P 132, CARS 129  
    • Overall GPA: 3.96
    • Science GPA: 3.97

    Summary of Application Experience

    *Applying M.D./Ph.D.*

    Just a note: if you're wondering why I dropped a ton of schools, it is simply due to a lack of time in completing the secondaries. In retrospect, I really should have tried harder to complete those, but I'm OK with it now that I have at least one acceptance.

    - (2/12/09) FINALLY! An acceptance from WashU. Even though it is only for the MD program, I am leaning toward going here and reapplying MSTP next year (90% acceptance rate!).

    - (8/11/08) Just got verified and I'm blazing through secondaries.

    - (7/9/08) Well, my application is pretty much complete. I'm having a few other people look over my essays, then I'm going to submit! Woot!

    - (6/25/08) Still working on AMCAS and polishing up personal statement. The applied school list is not final, so feel free to post suggestions. I should have MCAT scores by tomorrow.


    Stanford University

    Applied, Withdrew

    University of California, San Francisco
    University of California, San Diego
    Case Western Reserve University
    Baylor College

    Application Complete

    Yale University
    University of Pennsylvania
    University of Michigan
    Northwestern University

    Application Complete, Rejected

    University of Washington

    Application Complete, Withdrew

    Johns Hopkins University
    Harvard University
    Duke University

    Attended Interview

    Indiana University
    Ohio State University
    Mayo Medical School
    University of Chicago


    Washington University in St. Louis

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